How does it work? What do I have to do in sessions?

Because there’s only one you, our work together will depend upon your specific needs and goals. However, I view us as a team, with my main goal being to support you in meeting your needs and goals and together we set the agenda for the best way to do that. So, you’ve got this. Just show up and be ready to work. Feel free to ask any questions as they arise and to provide feedback about your experience and our work together.

How long will it take?

Again, like most things related to counseling, if not to life in general, the answer is: it depends. What does it depend upon?  Multiple factors including, but not limited to, what it is you are hoping to accomplish, how challenging the obstacles, if any, and your commitment to the process.

Why would I talk to a therapist instead of a friend or a life coach?

There’s no doubt it’s important to have friends who you feel have your back and you can turn to for help. However, is your friend available to devote 50 minutes a week to focus on only you, your problems and goals? While it’s true sometimes your relationship with a therapist can feel like you’re talking to a friend, what’s most different about it is the level of education and degree of training required to become a licensed professional. Also, it’s a relationship focused solely on you and no one else. It’s strictly confidential, and a therapist can teach you new skills, help you gain new perspectives, and listen to you without judgment or expectations.

Why shouldn’t I just take medication?

Medication can be effective, but alone it can’t resolve all problems, or teach you new ways to cope. Our work together is designed to explore and address the problems you are experiencing through expanding on your strengths and learning new strategies.

Why would I choose therapy at the beach instead of in an office?

Well, why not? What better way to literally unplug? (And I’m not being snarky.)  If you’re someone who loves the beach, you already immediately understand how good you feel when you’re there–you know in your core its therapeutic properties. It’s obvious that we live in one of the most beautiful areas of the country with consistently good weather, and the idea to take advantage of it originated from clients, ie., demand. Besides, viewing our problems while surrounded by nature broadens our perspective, making it easier to see outside of them—going outside to get inside your life. Beyond that, there’s actual scientific evidence backing up the importance to our overall well-being of spending time in nature.  Still, if you’re not convinced the beach is for you, there are other ways of working together as described under the LOCATIONS tab.

What do we do if the weather is bad and we can’t meet at the beach?

Everyone’s idea of what they consider bad weather is a bit different, but I define it as being any of the following: rain, dense marine layer (fog), extremely high winds, or a temperature below 55 degrees.  So, in those cases, we revert to Plan B consisting of the choice from several options:

  • Meet indoors at a mutually agreed upon location
  • Phone session
  • Online session

What if I have a question that isn’t answered here?

Send me a message, an email, or give me a call, and I’ll do my best to answer it.

What if I don’t have any more questions and I want to schedule a free phone consultation or my first appointment?

For the record, taking that step is what courage feels like.  It’s what hope feels like, too. You do it by clicking on the button below that says, “YES. IT’S TIME TO START.”


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