My Story

I take my role as a clinician seriously—my training, science, and research are the foundation of what I do and I’m dedicated to keeping up to date on the latest findings. However, because my interactions with you would be the exact opposite of cold, detached, and clinical, it makes sense to be human and conversational here so you can get a better idea of what working together would be like.

So, yes, officially my title is psychotherapist, but a more revealing title might be: Hope Salesperson, Opportunity Explorer, or Story Editor, because, metaphorically speaking, I wear those hats when I’m fulfilling my mission to help:


People like you who long to feel better about themselves—people seeking greater confidence and courage, but not knowing the way out from under, are buried by fears, perfectionism, self-doubt and negative self-image, believing they’re not enough.


By fostering hope and fresh insights, and by teaching skills that help you cope and communicate better, I support and spur you on in the process of improving that most important relationship: the one with yourself.





How do I know it’s possible?  


Because I’ve been there. I know from personal experience becoming your own best friend is way better than being your own worst enemy and, in turn, it spills over into every other part of your life. Yes, we’re talking transformation here!

I also know it’s never too late, it’s always better late than never, but there’s no time like the present to get a fresh perspective on your story and begin writing the ending you want.

I’ll elaborate. I’ve always been curious—especially about our human experience, and I devoured books looking for answers. However, it was an ongoing struggle to connect my passion to a specific direction or career—I couldn’t find my inner compass. Combined with other problems in my relationship with myself, being directionless led to feeling there was something wrong with me and that I was the problem. Not until much later, during the process of my own therapy, I was able to do the following:


  • Connect the dots backwards
  • See things in a new light
  • Grab my compass
  • Finally realize the path I’d been seeking for so long was to become a therapist
  • Change the direction of my story.


As a result, at long last I was able to match my passion with what I do. Now, I love helping people change the direction of their story and, as Brené Brown puts it, “write a brave new ending.”  

I believe we are more alike than different, but the beauty of it is there’s no one exactly just like you.

So, while your experience won’t be identical to mine, there’s every reason for you to believe the strategies we use, together with your strengths, motivation, and effort will lead to your success, too.


Strengths: It’s where we start and where we build from—your strengths are what brought you this far and will continue to take you where you want to go.

Compassion: It’s the foundation of everything; you need to feel safe and supported in a judgment-free zone, confident that I am always on your side.

Gratitude: It’s the superpower. As Katie Steedly has said, it “is the key that unlocks life’s doors.” First and foremost, I am grateful for our resilience—for our abilities to heal, grow, and change for the better.  It follows that I am also grateful for the work, strategies, and relationships—the roadmap leading to those destinations.

Empathy: I get what you’re going through.

Optimism/Hope: Yes! Hopeful opportunities and outcomes are always searched for and supported—the glass is at a minimum half-full.

Courage: Asking for help, risking, change, and growth all fall under the heading “Living Brave.” Our conversations can touch upon anything you want to talk about.  I dig right in with you—I’m definitely not the silent type.

Embracing imperfection:  There is no other way, is there?  We can take comfort in the fact that no one is perfect—perfect human being is an oxymoron. (Hint: perfectionism is a behavior related to avoiding shame and negative judgment and is to be distinguished from having high standards.)

Joy: More of it is where we’re headed and together we will notice and capture as many moments as possible along the way.

Laughter and humor:  Why not?  There’s no law that therapy is all pain for the gain, so, whenever possible and relevant. That said, we’re an equal opportunity embracer of the full range of human emotions.


I bring a lifetime of experience gained through a variety of jobs, being a parent and also an active member of my community. I’ve been working with clients to improve their relationships with themselves and related challenges like anxiety, depression, and trauma since 2010.


In addition to a MA in Counseling Psychology from American School of Professional Psychology, I have a MA in Education from DePaul University, and a BA in English Literature (i.e., stories) from DePauw University.


Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF). based upon the work of Brené Brown, PhD

I learned about the topics of shame, worthiness, vulnerability, courage and their relationship to connection. Her work literally transformed my story, inspiring me to share it with others in the hope it will help change theirs for the better too.


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Mindful Self-Compassion

ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy)

TRM (Trauma Resiliency Model) Level 1 and 2

Professional Memberships



If what you see here has helped you decide you’d like to work together, I’d love to help you create the outline for your next chapter. Ready to turn the page?

Say “Yes,” and schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation now.



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